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Monarch Brands is a part of the Hospeco Brands Group family of brands.

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Consumers’ New Expectations for Hospitality Cleaning

Consumers’ new expectations for hospitality cleaning are evolving rapidly. As recently as 18 months ago, catching a glimpse of housekeepers or cleaning staff during a hotel stay or dinner out was considered by many to be an inconvenience or eyesore.

That was then. This is now.

Hospitality patrons are paying attention to the cleanliness of the establishments they dare to enter.

Hotel guests and hospitality patrons are hyper tuned in to their comfort level regarding safety and risk. A post-covid anxiety has settled deep within our collective psyches. A random sighting of masked-up, gloved housekeeping professionals with carts full of colorful cloths, mops, and sprays has incredible power to ease our nagging angst.

Once invisible workers, encouraged to be inconspicuous, have become fearless front-line workers, now thanked by patrons for their public service — a sentiment once reserved for veterans or police officers.

The days of leaving janitorial cleaning until “after the rush” or scooting out before side work is done are over. Customers have become acutely aware of procedures and microfiber cloths used for cleaning and disinfecting.

Shortcuts are not to be tolerated.

How hospitality consumers are deciding where to spend their time and money

A recent survey of 850 frequent business and leisure travelers and 974 diners by P&G Professional gives insight into how hospitality consumers and travelers make decisions about the establishments they frequent when polled about their janitorial cleaning expectations.

Top turnoffs noticed by customers immediately when entering a hotel or restaurant:

  1. Unpleasant / bad odour (56%)

  2. Dirty or sticky floors/carpets (27%)

  3. Stained, spotty or dirty dishes, glassware or cutlery (27%)

The survey further states that “For travelers, bathroom surfaces, high-touch objects, contamination from previous guests, and the presence of invisible pathogens are top concerns.”

It continues to say, “More thorough and frequent cleaning is expected by 67 percent of travelers, and 61-per-cent expect to see more visible methods of cleaning, such as pamphlets and signage. Additionally, 57-per-cent expect more transparency around what hotels are doing to keep guests safe and rooms clean — both in-person and on the company website.”

A 2021 Housekeeping and Hygiene Study by HospitalityNet and KnowingLi Market Research polled over 400 respondents and found “over 93% of those surveyed expect each hotel to outline its safety measures. Moreover, when it comes to areas of concern, elevators and guest rooms are at the top of the list, with doors, gyms, and restaurants not far behind.”

“Broad Daylight Cleaning” offers a value that cannot be understated — for consumers and establishments alike!

Communicating safety measures on websites, in rooms, and in common areas is essential. More impactful, however, is “Broad Daylight” cleaning. Broad daylight cleaning offers a value that cannot be understated. When patrons see the cleaning staff cleaning at work, using the right housekeeping supplies, there is transparency and, as a result, trust in the establishment.

Today, guests are apt to see a bright, color-coded microfiber program at work. Color-coded microfiber cloths, dusters, and mops — specific colors for specific areas, not by coincidence. This sophisticated process ensures that no cross-contamination occurs. Usually, only the savviest of travelers know that the person cleaning the gym uses green cloths and mops, while the person cleaning the bathrooms uses red, but the rest of the world is starting to catch on!

Increasing the visibility of cleaning crews in action has a positive effect on the comfort levels of hospitality guests and the potential to increase repeat business. Proprietors should consider the value of visibility when getting janitorial cleaning supplies for their crews.

Increase the Value and Visibility with these Bright Color-Coded Microfiber Products

Give consumers what they want. (Scratch that.) Give them what they need!

Peace of Mind

Encourage your customers to employ a Broad Daylight hospitality cleaning program and gain trust with transparency. Assure them that leaving an old-fashioned cotton mop in a bucket of dirty water will have dire consequences in the current climate. Whichever way they decide to proceed, their customers will take notice and spread the word.

Ask Dave Forssell about Broad Daylight cleaning with Monarch Brands professional microfiber janitorial supplies today.

David ForssellDave Forssell
Account Executive
[email protected]
(267) 238-1641



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